4th September 2024

Thank you for your continued support of Zenit World. As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency and progress, we are pleased to share our quarterly report, which highlights the advancements we’ve made, as well as upcoming milestones.

1. Key Achievements This Quarter

Platform 2.0 - Fully Operational

We are thrilled to confirm that Platform 2.0 is live and functioning as expected. This marks a significant achievement in our roadmap, providing a state-of-the-art trading experience that supports multiple financial markets. With this launch, we are offering access to:

  • Cryptocurrencies

  • Stocks

  • Commodities

  • Derivatives

Our advanced platform equips traders with the tools needed for precise execution and maximization of trading opportunities. The feedback from our community has been overwhelmingly positive, and we remain committed to further enhancements based on user input.

  1. User Engagement & Growth

Since going live, user engagement has surpassed our expectations. We have seen a steady influx of new users, with active traders taking full advantage of the platform’s functionalities. This growing momentum is a testament to the value Zenit World is bringing to the market.

3. In Progress & Upcoming Features

While we are proud of what has been accomplished, we are equally excited about the future. Several important features are currently in development and on track for their scheduled releases:


Expected Launch


Copy Trading

October, 2024

In Progress

Tier System

Q4 2024

In Progress

Smartphone App

Q4 2024

In Progress

ZEN Token Listing on zenit.world

Q4 2024


Vesting Wallet Opening

1 Day after Listing


Additional Exchange Listings

Q4 2024 - Q1 2025


Listing on CoinMarketCap & CoinGecko

Q4 2024


Crypto Card Launch

Q1 2025

In Development

4. ZEN Token Listing & Vesting Wallet Update

After careful analysis of current market conditions, we have made the strategic decision to postpone the listing of the ZEN token. This decision was not made lightly, but we are confident it is the right move to ensure a more favorable launch.

Why This Matters:

  1. Market Conditions: The market's current focus on MEM tokens has created increased volatility. By waiting, we can list ZEN in a more stable environment, maximizing liquidity and ensuring fair pricing for our community.

  2. Time to Perfect: This additional time will allow us to refine our project’s roadmap and marketing strategies, positioning ZEN for long-term success and visibility.

  3. Maximized Impact: Waiting for better market conditions will enable us to secure stronger exchange listings, ensuring a more impactful launch and better overall outcomes for ZEN holders.

We deeply appreciate the continued support of our community as we work to deliver the best possible experience for our users. We are confident that this decision will provide greater long-term value to ZEN holders.

5. Growth and Marketing Outlook

Looking ahead, we are accelerating our marketing efforts to ensure that Zenit World reaches a broader audience. With the upcoming launch of the smartphone app and additional exchange listings, we anticipate strong user growth and even more opportunities for traders to engage with our platform.

We are also planning a series of educational initiatives and campaigns designed to help both new and experienced traders get the most out of Zenit World. Our aim is to build not just a trading platform, but a comprehensive ecosystem that empowers our users.

6. Closing Remarks

This quarter has been one of significant progress, and we are proud of what we have achieved together. As we move forward, our focus remains on delivering excellence, innovating, and providing the best possible experience for our users.

We thank our community for their trust and engagement, and we look forward to an exciting future with even greater accomplishments ahead. Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to grow and enhance the Zenit World platform.

Thank you for being a valued part of our journey.

Warm regards, The Zenit World Team

Last updated